Behind Every Adoption Story

The birthmother is a caregiver in a uniquely selfless way. Yet, becoming a birthmother isn’t generally perceived in a positive light. So where does the birthmother fit within our nurturing village of caring for and supporting one another? To what tribe does she belong? What identity does she own? The truth is that she belongs … Read more

Getting What You Want

Getting what you want is an ongoing quest. Nobody gets there all the time, but when you find the balance between having what you want, what you need, and what really matters, you’ve accomplished something big. Have you ever thought, “I’m not sure where I am, but I’m sure I don’t want to be here.” … Read more

Reimagining Best in Adoption

What’s the point of reimagining? Why bother? Especially when you feel struck down by the way life has turned out in spite of your best efforts. When you’re wondering what else is left for you and the life you had planned; that’s the very best time to reimagine. How does this connect to a woman … Read more

Why Hire a Life Coach?

Why hiring a life coach may be your best next step. Approaching the same problems with the same failed solutions won’t work. When we have reoccurring problems, issues, or dissatisfaction in life we often attempt the same failed solutions as well. Our brains compartmentalize the answers to our struggles, trying to make them simple. Problem … Read more