
"Brenda was so helpful in guiding me to discover what I needed and wanted in my business situation. I am so grateful for her questions that helped me think through the circumstances and goals, discover my best path, and get me excited about fulfilling those goals."

Nicole Callen, Norwood Lavender

"Brenda is a proven leader who understands the importance of not only raising up a clear vision, but in leading the execution of a plan to achieve it. Brenda can help leaders do both, which is rare in our day. I would recommend leaders listen to her and gain from her experience and wisdom."

Scott Rodin, The Steward's Journey

"Brenda and I have worked directly and indirectly on many issues and occasions. In our collaborative efforts, we partnered on state legislative campaigns, lobbying, and in the development of a philanthropic campaign strategy for a national organization.

I found Brenda to be highly organized, strategic, timely, positive and a great team player and leader. She communicates her ideas effectively, and always improves on the strategy with process improvements. She quickly understands new strategies, and how they can be implemented effectively.

Brenda is one of the best listeners I’ve known, always in the moment and reflecting back what she understands of the conversation. She is a rarely talented professional who would bring great skills to focus on the goals of your organization."

Representative Caroline Nilson Troy

"I had been feeling extremely distracted and unfocused and needed someone to help me get back on track. I decided to try coaching. What I appreciated most about Brenda was that she never told me what to do and she never made me feel bad or guilty about what I perceived as my own mental confusion. Instead, she asked me specific, penetrating questions that I wouldn’t have thought to ask myself. Her thoughtful and direct questions encouraged me to see things differently. It is so easy to get stuck in one’s own pattern of thinking that it becomes almost impossible to break free. Brenda helped me out of my rut simply by helping me change my way of thinking."

Karen M.

"I personally have valued Brenda’s uncanny ability to ask questions that are uncomfortable yet necessary, which has resulted in new awarenesses that have propelled me forward from so many moments of being stuck. Her extensive professional background brings a level of expertise, knowledge, wisdom, and talent to her coaching model.

Brenda is gifted at actively listening and hearing beyond the words I shared, which allowed her to ask the hard questions to help me grow closer to the identified goals I had set for myself. I am deeply grateful for the personal and professional growth I have experienced in my coaching sessions with her."

Stephanie W.

"My time with Brenda has been invaluable. I have grown in ways I didn’t know were possible. When I began coaching, I knew I needed to work on boundaries, but I didn’t know what that really meant. To me, boundaries seemed mean, unforgiving, and lacking in generosity. I have come to realize that boundaries are not that; they are freeing, they allow us to love others in a mature way, they help us to maintain our integrity, they protect us and keep us healthy. My boundaries are still evolving, but I feel SO much better about where I am now. I have a much clearer idea of what I can offer.

I have grown so much! I always look forward to my conversations with Brenda. It feels like catching up with a friend. There’s laughter, there’s tears, but best of all—through all my emotions—she challenges me to be the woman God designed me to be."

Stephanie W.

It's Your Story That Matters


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